Or should I say, back in the sneakers? Tomorrow I am back at the track! I have mixed feelings, you see - while I am excited to get back at it, I'm dreading the fact that I will be regretting my poor eating habits this Holiday weekend all too soon. Turkey, pie, mashed potatoes, more pie, and those freaking delicious sugar cookies Cody and I made the other night. Devil - I have lots of work to do.
I am planning on that Vegas Tri with my friends in April. I talked to my brother-in-law Scott about it this weekend and he gave me some pointers on how to get ready for it. This is when it would be great if he and my sister lived close to me! The could be my little trainers. Now that I have committed to do this (Sara, did I officially tell you that I'm in? Well, if not - I'm in!), I must really dedicate myself to being 100% ready. Yikes! Every time I talk about it, I get a little nervous. I still can't I'm doing this - it's so not like me. But hey, neither was a 4 mile run and I did that, right? Turns out the impossible is achievable. So to prepare, not only will I be running at the track, but I will also be swimming and cycling. Hmm, anyone have a bike I can borrow?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Back in the Saddle
Posted by Jewels at 26.11.07 2 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Awwwwwww Yeah!!
What up, baby! I ran 4 miles yesterday! Word! As you all know, with Thanksgiving comes the annual Turkey Trot (this year was the 25th anniversary!). I got up early and layered up before going up to my parents house to pick up Andrea and Rich. The temperature? 23 degrees. We got registered and sat in the car with the heater on full blast waiting for the race to start. Hannah met up with us and we were all jumping around in the cold to prevent hypothermia. It was SO cold! Brr, I'm getting chilly just thinking about it. Here we are before the race...Hannah and I showcasing our enthusiasm at the starting line...
and we're off!
The race began and we started trotting slowly. I heated up pretty quick which made the running bearable, but on one section of the course there was an extremely icy headwind - whew! I crossed the finish line in 50 minutes which isn't great, but hey - it was my first time and I'm pretty proud of that!
It was fun doing it with Andrea and Rich, and Hannah did an awesome job! I don't know that I will do that run next year, but it was fun. Now I just have to commit to doing a triatholon in April with the girls in Vegas...we'll talk about that later. What I can tell you is that I'm going to keep at it - all this fitness goodness. I started up so I could do this race and I DID IT! I wasn't sore this morning (thanks to lots of stretching) and I love that I can feel myself getting stronger. Who wants to join me at the track next week for some laps? Ready Steady Fit!
Posted by Jewels at 23.11.07 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sweating rocks
My sister is in town for the 5k (Oh, and Thanksgiving), so yesterday morning we met at the track for some running. Some serious running. It was so much fun having someone to run with! Having her there made me want to push harder to keep up with her. She was like my personal coach next to me the whole time, cheering me on. She showed me some awesome stretches before we started and they helped out a lot - I'm going to take some pictures of them and post them here, your muscles will thank me later! I ran longer than I ever have - almost 3 laps without stopping! Hey now, that's impressive. Andrea also told me that I was running a little fast, so it's nice to know that I can slow it down and keep a more even pace. We were keeping a steady stride and then really bolted the last 1/4 of the lap and OW. We walked around twice to cool down and I was really focusing on not collapsing. I was exhausted, but it felt SO good. It's crazy when you work so hard and sweat in the most random places - your collarbone, your ankles, etc. We stretched out and headed home.
Later in the day we went shopping with my Mom and I purchased some new running shoes. They are so sweet! Mmm, and so comfy. I also bought a fleece hoodie to keep myself warm tomorrow morning. Luckily, it hasn't been as cold as I thought it would be, but it's still uber chilly. Hopefully once the race starts I'll warm up quickly!
Well kids, this is it - tomorrow I run my first 5k (oh, and did I mention that it's longer that 3 miles? Yeah, make that 4...oh dear). I will be sure to take lots of pictures and post them here. Wish me luck!!
Posted by Jewels at 21.11.07 2 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Da Home Stretch
I can't believe that the 5k is almost here!! Yikes, I'm starting to get freaked out. And lets figure this out - I mean, it's what, 3 miles? What am I worried about! I have done that many times at the track and I know I can do it. I know I can. Maybe I'm getting scared because I don't want to slow my brother and sister down. Or maybe it's because there's a good chance we'll be running through a snowstorm. Well, whatever the reason I'm feeling a little nervous. But run I must! And run I will.
You have to realize that I have never done anything like this in my life. I think the last time I even ran in some sort of event was for my Presidential Physical Fitness award in Elementary School. Cody is Mr. Iron Man and is used to stuff like this...me? Not so much.
I'm off to the track tomorrow - I wasn't able to get there on Saturday, so tomorrow I'll be working myself to death - pushing hard. Wednesday I'll take it a little easier and Thursday? Well...we all know what Thursday will bring.
Posted by Jewels at 18.11.07 4 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I went to the track today and as I ran and walked, I began wishing. Wishing that my life was more like a montage - I wish I could listen to one song and watch myself running, working out, laughing with some friends over shakes, sweating at the track, measuring my hips and cheering with delight when I realize that I'm getting trimmer. Then at the end of the song, I'm all fit and toned. No? Not possible? Ugh. At least I can wish.
Tuesday felt great - I could tell that my body was still getting over being a little sick, but I pushed it and it felt great! Today I felt more like I was in a slump. Kinda sluggish, it felt like I had to work harder today just to finish a lap. I still ran a bunch and did stairs, but man...I was beat when I finished! Saturday I'm going back and I think Hannah is planning to join me! That will be fun to go together - we can motivate each other. I talked to my sister and she suggested that I really push it on Saturday - just run the crap out of myself. Then I can go to the track on Tuesday and take it a little easier and be ready to go for the gold on Thursday for the 5k.
Speaking of - I'm getting super nervous. I'm not worried about the run or finishing or what have you (I've already told my sister that she'll probably have to wait for me at the finish line...), but the weather? Brr. It might be 20 degrees that morning...maybe. If I could run in a hot tub, we wouldn't have a problem, but I'm not totally stoked about sucking in arctic air. I know once I get started that I'll warm up and it will be fine, but just the thought of the chilliness....
Posted by Jewels at 15.11.07 1 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
On the mend
Where have I been? Good Heavens, I swear I won't abandon this blog for that long again! This weekend was filled with social activities and late nights, which led to me feeling like crap for most of the weekend. Puffy, sore throat when I woke up and an achy feeling in my weak little body. I wasn't able to make it to the track, but I did 'stairs' at my house to keep in some kind of routine.
I know, I know - it's my own fault that I got a little sickies, but I'm feeling muchos better and I'm heading back to the track tomorrow morning! As my sister kindly reminded me, I have 10 days until I am to run (um...more like run some, walk lots) a 5 k! Oh dear...scary. But never fear! I shall attack and conquer! I am also excited to get to the track tomorrow because of the following reasons:
1 - I am going to try and run...and run...and run...no more stopping after just one lap, especially if I think I can run longer! I am going to really push it tomorrow. I mean, I'll push carefully since I just got done with a minor sickies, but a push is a push...
2 - I purchased some leggings online and I can't wait to try them out tomorrow! I'm not going to lie, they'll probably help my performance immensely.
3 - I have some songs that I have added to my fit playlist and want to listen to whilst running:
"I don't wanna be in love" by Good Charlotte. I am loving this song right now - it has an 80's edge and I SO dig it. I just might run with a lace glove on one hand tomorrow...
"Sleep" and "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance. Grr, very grr.
"More than a feeling" by Boston. A classic! So uppity, I feel giddy every time I hear it.
"The War" by Angels & Airwaves. Truth be told, I love to listen to most of their songs when I run. They tend to be mellow, but they're great.
Before I sign off, I have a thought and I'd like you to tell me what you think about the matter - when I get to the track, I always walk/run in a counter-clockwise direction, just like everybody else. However, do you think I need to go the opposite direction sometimes? Like, is my body going to be lopsided? Huge right leg, shriveled left leg...lop lop lop.
Posted by Jewels at 12.11.07 1 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Push it real good
So to my surprise, I wasn't that sore after my workout on Monday. I mean, I ran more than usual and I added the stairs...but I only felt soreness in my calves. Which is great - don't get me wrong, but that also means I need to step it up so that I'm really pushing myself. Today I hit the track and my day kinda went like this:
Lap 1 - Walk
Lap 2 - Walk
Lap 3 - Walk
Lap 4 - Run
Lap 5 - Walk
Lap 6 - Run
Lap 7 - Walk
Lap 8 - Run
Lap 9 - Walk
Lap 10 - Run
Lap 11 - Walk/Run stairs (1 at a time)
Lap 12 - Walk/Run stairs (1 at a time)
Lap 13 - Walk/Run stairs (1 at a time)
Lap 14 - Walk/Run stairs (2 at a time)
Lap 15 - Run/Run stairs (2 at a time)
Walk around in circle to cool down, swear like a sailor, stretch out, walk to car.
Yep...pretty sure I'll be feeling that tomorrow...
Posted by Jewels at 7.11.07 4 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
Yes! Great news! Yesterday guess what I was able to wear...a pencil skirt! With significant ease, I might add. I tried to wear this skirt a few weeks ago and I looked like I was wearing a sausage casing. I know that I just had a baby, but still - being able to zip up that baby yesterday with no problem felt SO great! I was one hot mommy. Look out world, some toned thighs and buttocks are coming your way!
Today was a fabulous day at the track. I actually ran an entire lap! I have been running half laps, but I was feeling so great today that I was actually smiling while I was running while telling myself, "C'mon, keep going, you can do this!". Once I slowed to a walk, I could tell that I was tired, but I felt so good! I kept up the running here and there to keep my heart rate up. There are stairs on the side of the track that lead up to the bleachers, so during the last 3 laps (I did 10) I would run up and down those stairs, 2 at a time. Will I be feeling that tomorrow? You betcha. But the turkey trot is vastly approaching and I certainly don't want my sister to leave me in the dust!
Posted by Jewels at 5.11.07 4 comments