Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Homeward Bound

Tonight I wasn't able to make it to the gym, so I did a simple work out at home with Cody spotting.  Here's what went day-yown.

For time...
22 Lunges
21 Dips

16 Lunges
15 Dips

10 Lunges
9 Dips

I topped it off with 15 sit ups (which wasn't necessary) and even though it took less than 5 minutes, I was worked!  It amazes me how you can get a work out so quickly.  That is why I love Cross Fit!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Today's work out went really well!  I must admit, I'm surprised by how addicted I am getting to Cross Fit.  I wasn't "anti" before, but I just wasn't excited about it.  Even when I got started I was a bit reluctant to get into it.  Now?  I dig it.  Yesterday I did a super tough work out that I wasn't sure I would even finish - but finish I did!  Here is what went down:

30 Push Ups
50 Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls
50 Dips
25 Jumping Pull Ups
20 Hand Stand Push Ups

...and I did it all in 13:10.  Not band, right?  What up.  Today I was back at the gym and did "Cindy" - this entailed 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and 15 squats as many times as possible in 20 minutes.  I did 9 rounds!  I surprised even myself with that one.   It was hard, not gonna lie - I was moaning during the last few reps, but it felt so good to finish it all!  

There were loads of people at the gym this morning which was so cool to see!  Funny thing - two guys that I went to High School with walked in the door and when we saw each other we were like, "....hey, wait a sec..."  Hilarious - TR Gourley and Kurt Jackson.  They did really well, I guess they've been coming for a while and we've just never been there at the same time.  

Tomorrow is the Cross Fit Games up in Midvale - Cody and I are heading up to check things out.  I'm really excited!  Also, Jason told me today that I should consider getting certified so I can help train...who would have thought that I would be down for something like that?  Do you think I'll get a whistle?  Oooh, I really want a whistle.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


That was the name of the work out I did on Monday.  Not super brutal, but I was worked when it was done!  Here is the jist:

3 reps of...
25 sit ups
25 back extensions
400 meter run

Sadly, it took me 22 minutes to do that.  It felt good, though!  I was all sweaty and heaving when I finished.  Jason was a big help when I was warming up - he helped me with my form for squats and pull ups.  I can feel myself getting if only it would look like it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008 really, Burpees

So I haven't been to the gym in 4 days because I'm LAME.  Wait no, that's not true - I got really sick on Tuesday night and was out for the count yesterday.  This means I need to make up some work outs!  On Monday I did presses - here is what went down:

Shoulder Press: 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5 reps

For the life of me I can't remember the weight I lifted for each set...I think for the shoulder press I did 15lbs, for the push press I did....30lbs?  Then for the push jerk I did 40 - 50lbs.  Word.

Today (or tomorrow) I need to do 50 Burpess for time.  That's when you jump about a foot off the ground, then hop down and do a push up.  Yeah...we'll see how I do.  But I did just purchase more fancy work-out gear, so at least I'll look cute passed out in the corner!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

...For Time

On Thursday Cody and I hit the gym.  The work out was to do as many sets of 10 pull ups and 10 thrusters in 20 minutes.  Since I am still a weakling, I only used the sand bar as for my Thrusters.  By about 12 minutes, I was SO ready to throw in the towel!  My legs were killing me - they were still sore from doing thrusters a few days before.  I have to say I did better than I thought I would - I was seriously considering giving up.  Just stopping and calling it quits.  But finish I did - I did 10 sets in 20 minutes.  Sweet!  And ugh, tiring.  But Cody did tell me that he is proud of me when we were driving home - that's all the motivation I need.

The eating thing?  Well, I still need to do better.  When Cody isn't home I eat like crap.  I mean, I'm still aware of what I'm doing and I'm not being stupid  - but I did have an entire bag of popcorn last night.  EW!  What the...?  It helps when Cody is home because he is so good about eating right.  I better get on board - I want to see some changes soon!