Saturday, May 3, 2008

...For Time

On Thursday Cody and I hit the gym.  The work out was to do as many sets of 10 pull ups and 10 thrusters in 20 minutes.  Since I am still a weakling, I only used the sand bar as for my Thrusters.  By about 12 minutes, I was SO ready to throw in the towel!  My legs were killing me - they were still sore from doing thrusters a few days before.  I have to say I did better than I thought I would - I was seriously considering giving up.  Just stopping and calling it quits.  But finish I did - I did 10 sets in 20 minutes.  Sweet!  And ugh, tiring.  But Cody did tell me that he is proud of me when we were driving home - that's all the motivation I need.

The eating thing?  Well, I still need to do better.  When Cody isn't home I eat like crap.  I mean, I'm still aware of what I'm doing and I'm not being stupid  - but I did have an entire bag of popcorn last night.  EW!  What the...?  It helps when Cody is home because he is so good about eating right.  I better get on board - I want to see some changes soon!


Kelly said...

fun workout! as far as eating right, I have you tried out the menu planner is fun to use cause it will tell you how many calories you'll's easy to use.

oh snap said...

Impressive efforts! Woot!