Monday, October 29, 2007

Oh Snap!!

That's right, time to snap out of it and get back to work. Last week I was totally sidetracked with hosting my Halloween Party that fitness took a backseat. How lame is that?? It's time to focus, get back on track, c'mon now - no time for slackers! Lace up those sneaks! Pump up that music and get your butt in shape!

I realize that dedicating myself to getting fit will be tough during this time of year. It's cold, there is candy everyone (including my kitchen counter), the Holidays are soon to follow with all there delicious feasts, but we can do this - we'll do it together. I'm going to take on Kate's tip this week - drinking LOTS of water. Kate commented last week that if you drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water, you can drop a few pounds. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you'll need to drink about 75oz. of water each day (...right? I hate math). I am taking this on, who's with me? I'm actually going to purchase a big water bottle that I can take with me everywhere. If you have a cold beverage with you, it's easier to avoid getting sodas or buying snacks!

Along with my new water bottle purchase, I'm going to look for some work-out gear. I have a few pieces that work, but there's something about dressing the part, yes? And lets face it, there are so many options now - you can get dressed to go work out and look better than you would on Sunday morning!

Today is Pilates day - bring on the burn, baby - who's with me? Lets go! Lets go! Lets go!


Rhonda Can't Help You said...

I'm with you on the water- starting today, oddly enough!!!

Go Fight Win!

Andrea said...

I'm with you on the clothes! Set a budget and then have fun at They always have cool stuff. Esp. right now, their basic work out T. Perfection!

Kateastrophe said...

That's it! That's it! That's it!


I am loving the workout clothes at Target right now . . . :D