I went to the track this morning. I wasn't feeling my usual wave of euphoria when I walked in. Everything seemed a bit...off. I walked over to my usual spot (where I stretch and leave my keys, etc.) and started to stretch and get pumped to run. I turn on my iPod...and nothing happens. I try again and realize that my battery is totally dead. No fair! I swear it was full just the other day! Hmm, perhaps there is a bit of Halloween trickery in the air? I sat there wondering what my work-out would be like without tunes. Lame, that much is certain. However, I don't let this little thing deter me and I start walking. I also realize that there are only two other people on the track this morning. Not bad! I'm feeling good, my muscles are warming up. Just as I round the corner, I see that there are a few guys repairing the huge metal door that closes off part of the track. I warily walk underneath them, hoping that a stray shard does not plant itself in my skull. I continued my work-out without injury and I did two miles today - running a 1/2 mile! Go me! It just felt so...weird today. Nobody was there, it was SO quiet, no one was practicing Volleyball or Basketball, pretty soon I was the only one walking the track...just a bit spooky. Lesson learned! Check iPod battery before leaving the house...and maybe toss some salt over my left shoulder before working out on Halloween!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween trick?
Posted by Jewels at 31.10.07 3 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Oh Snap!!
That's right, time to snap out of it and get back to work. Last week I was totally sidetracked with hosting my Halloween Party that fitness took a backseat. How lame is that?? It's time to focus, get back on track, c'mon now - no time for slackers! Lace up those sneaks! Pump up that music and get your butt in shape!
I realize that dedicating myself to getting fit will be tough during this time of year. It's cold, there is candy everyone (including my kitchen counter), the Holidays are soon to follow with all there delicious feasts, but we can do this - we'll do it together. I'm going to take on Kate's tip this week - drinking LOTS of water. Kate commented last week that if you drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water, you can drop a few pounds. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you'll need to drink about 75oz. of water each day (...right? I hate math). I am taking this on, who's with me? I'm actually going to purchase a big water bottle that I can take with me everywhere. If you have a cold beverage with you, it's easier to avoid getting sodas or buying snacks!
Along with my new water bottle purchase, I'm going to look for some work-out gear. I have a few pieces that work, but there's something about dressing the part, yes? And lets face it, there are so many options now - you can get dressed to go work out and look better than you would on Sunday morning!
Today is Pilates day - bring on the burn, baby - who's with me? Lets go! Lets go! Lets go!
Posted by Jewels at 29.10.07 3 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Where or where...
..has my ambition gone? I turned over my new fitness leaf (and this blog) one week ago. While I'm still dedicated...it's getting harder to stick to a routine! I haven't made it to the track this week - due to the fact that I haven' t been able to find someone to watch the kids for a bit since Cody has been working. I also keep getting side-tracked by house projects that seem to take up most of my day. I'm not giving up, mind you - far from it! However, I think I will have to stick to Pilates this week and try to hit the track next week. My sister-in-law brought over two Pilates videos, one that focuses on abs. Ouch. I know that's going to hurt. No pain, no gain, right? As I was getting Cache ready for bed, cleaning the kitchen and doing some decorating (multi-tasking, anyone?), 'Dancing with the Stars' was on. I have never watched this show, but the glittery sequins and flashy costumes caught my eye. After all, fish like shiny things and don't we all? Have you seen those dancers bodies? Oh. My. Gosh. If I didn't feel like a twinkie before, I do now. More motivation for me!
I have posted a new 'Song of the Week' - find it, go have a listen. It's such a fun little tune and if I ever make it back to the track, I'll be able to run to it.
Posted by Jewels at 23.10.07 4 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oh....the burn
In a word - OW. I just got back from the track and let me tell you something...it wasn't pretty. Last time I walked two miles, so tonight I decided that I would alternate walking and running for three miles. Sound like a good plan? Yeah, I thought so too. I walked the first mile, feeling pretty good. I could feel my thighs getting warmed up, feeling a little burn. Then a great song comes on my iPod and I tell myself that I'll run a half lap. Just a half lap. I pick up the pace and start running. Feels pretty good! Huff huff huff - still doing alright. I'm actually surprised by how fast I am running...not bad! Then I stop to catch my breath...oh dear, turns out I'm sort of wheezing. I walk the rest of the lap, then I start to run again. This time I realize that I must look ridiculous while running. I mean, I don't even know if I remember how to run. Every wobbly bit on my body is shaking uncontrollably and I shudder to think what I might look like in slow motion. I try to mimic what the other impressive joggers are doing, but I'm not sure I'm fooling anyone. But I press on - huff huff huff. Once I slow to a walk, I'm breathing harder and I'm embarrassed by how tired I am. When I start running again, I realize that yes - I do in fact look ridiculous. I look like a twinky in sneakers. Nothing like the seasoned athletes that are passing me by. To make matters worse? There is a saucy chick that is running lap after lap without breaking a sweat. Gorgeous legs, toned arms...she looks awesome. While I normally would have been plotting a way to trip her, I decided that I would keep running - who cares what I look like - so that I could look like her. Nothing like a little motivation to keep me from collapsing in a corner and shouting obscenities! Ahhh, sure can't wait to go back on Saturday.
Posted by Jewels at 18.10.07 11 comments
Won't Power
I will admit that I am a sucker for fast food. It's just so easy! Running errands with the kids, it gets closer to nap time, I need to get some lunch for them...hmmm, there's a Wendy's on the way home - done. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I just got nuggets for Cache and went on my merry way, but no! The intoxicating smell of the salty fries is too much to resist and before I know what I'm doing, I blurt out, "...can I also get a #14 super extra ginormous sized with a soda?". As my sister told me last week, my fast food habit will be the hardest to break. But break it I will! Besides, it's not like I feel awesome after eating that crap, it's like a gut bomb. Ugh.
I heard something forever ago and it has always stayed with me - your body is only as good as the fuel you put in it. Now, we've all heard something similar to this, yes? I guarantee that me having no energy lately is due in large part to the fact that I am not giving my body the best fuel. I certainly don't intend to give up life's delicious pleasures, I don't think I would be too happy knowing I can't indulge in a treat now and then. The key is to enjoy goodies in moderation - something that will take some getting used to. See, I'm all kinds of supportive when my friends are watching what they eat - I give great advice suggesting that they keep fresh fruit and bottled water on hand so it's easy to eat. Of course, my mouth is always full of donuts when I'm telling them this...What has been your vice? The biggest hurdle you have had to conquer when getting in shape? Junk food like myself? TV time?...Blogging?
I'm off to the track again tonight and I'm really looking forward to it! I can't wait to put in my ear buds, turn up my music and have some 'me' time. I'm going to run a little tonight, see how I do. If you're in the area, stop by the track and make sure I'm not passed out in a corner somewhere...
Posted by Jewels at 18.10.07 3 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Fitness is in my future - I can feel it! I have created this Blog to track my progress in becoming a fit, healthy, sexy chick. That's right! I have never been big into working out or eating healthy (my Dr. Pepper addiction is no secret), but change is in the air, my friends. I hereby devote myself to becoming a stronger, healthier woman if it's the last thing I do!...and it very well may be the last think I do, since I'm such a weakling.
Today I went to the track and walked 2 miles. Sweet! I know, quite sad that I am so proud of such a small accomplishment, but for me? HUGE. I also created my own playlist of groovy tunes to listen to while I tone my muscles. Music is a must when working out, I've decided - it's the best. Tomorrow I plan on doing some Pilate's (if I can move my legs) and I'll hit the track again on Thursday. I must admit I was not super stoked about going to the track today. I sat in my car for a few minutes talking myself into it, but I felt SO GOOD afterwards! Again, it's not a big thing, but for someone like me this was quite an accomplishment.
Why this sudden decision to be fit? Well, for most of my life I've been able to skate by on good genes and metabolism. I've never really stuck to a work-out routine or had any desire to run a marathon, but I don't like being a softy. I want to be toned and strong and most of all healthy. I have the worst eating habits and I want to take care of my body. My sister also presented to me a challenge - to run a 5k with her the day after Thanksgiving. Still not so sure why I agreed to such a thing (guess that means I can't eat the entire apple pie, like last year), but it does motivate me to get into shape and I know the end result will be worth it. I'm almost 30, people! Shouldn't I spend the last two years of my 20's looking fantastic? No question. I've got two boys and I want to be able to wrestle with them...and win.
So here we go! Each week I will post a healthy recipe for you to try and a great work out song to burn unwanted calories to. Please feel free to leave a comment with exercise ideas, recipes and songs that work for you and we can share them with the world. Ready, steady, FIT!
Posted by Jewels at 16.10.07 8 comments