My behavior as of late is inexcusable! What in the WORLD have I been doing? Oh, not working out, that's right. I have slacked and avoided fitness - and I can't take it any more.

What does this mean, exactly? This means that every day I will be doing some sort of work out. Be it running at the track, swimming at the rec or sit ups at home, I WILL do something every day to work towards the figure I want. I have a busy Summer coming up and I want to look great! You would think that would be it's own reward, but I was recently enticed by a motivational idea my friend Tanya uses when she works out - each time she works out, she gives herself a dollar. That's right - a dollar a day, that could be $30 a month that I can spend on whatever I want! Which could be loads of Advil and IcyHot, depending how much my muscles hate me.
This also means that I need to fine tune my diet - see, remember how I was doing 'The Zone' with Cody? Yeah, not so much any more. He's still with it for the most part, but I lazed off months ago. Regardless of what food plan I'm on, the point is I need to be more conscience of what I put into my body.
This is it, friends. I've had it. I've reached my breaking point - I can't take the softness any more. This is the 3rd time I've attempted to get myself healthy and by damn, I'm going to do it. Ready. Steady. Fit.
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