Back at the gym today! I did the basic warm up - pull ups, sit ups, push ups and squats. Then Cody had me work on Clings with a sand-weighted bar. Not too heavy, but not hollow. Having some weight to it helped my form immensely! Then it was time to get serious and start the work out. Today's task?

Cling - 15 reps
Run - 100 meters
3 rounds
So I begin the clings and it's going well, but the run was a bit more rusty since I haven't gone running in forever! I kept my stride long and paced myself. The work out was a bit brutal, but it did feel great! I pushed the last part of the run and made it back in about 8 min. Not bad! I am exhausted - I need to get to bed. Tomorrow we are back at the gym in the morning!...if I can move.
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