Today's work out? Thrusters. That's when you hold a bar with weights at your shoulders, squat down, then push up with your heels (not really on your toes, like this dude...who does he think he is?) and push the weight over your head. You do 7 reps. My hands hurt.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Posted by Jewels at 29.4.08 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
8 minutes

Posted by Jewels at 28.4.08 0 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
10 For Time

Posted by Jewels at 25.4.08 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Cave In
I have done it. I have caved. I have started Cross Fit with Cody. What is Cross Fit? An intense work out that will whip your butt into shape! Cody started Cross Fit months ago and has loved it. Well, it's more of a love/hate relationship. He has loved the results, but sometimes the work outs can be brutal! That is why I have never jumped on board. He has tried for months to get me to start, but I wasn't too interested. He and some of his friends recently opened a gym dedicated to the Cross Fit program and they have lots of people interested and working out there. I am so proud of him! The gym looks great and it's nice to have a place that has all the equipment you need. As I said before, it's pretty intense and it kicks your butt. However, I want to get in shape. I want to get stronger. The best thing to achieve that? Cross Fit. Yes, sir. Yesterday was my first time at the gym and it went pretty well! Cody taught me the correct form for squats (turns out I never did them correctly), spotted me when I did some pull ups, I did sit ups and overhead squats and push ups. Yeah, baby! I am feeling it today, but it's a good sore. I will probably go back with him on Friday to do some more stuff. The link to his gym is on the side bar, go take a gander - it has all the information about Cross Fit on there! Then you can slap on some spandex and we can go together!
Posted by Jewels at 23.4.08 1 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Taking the Plunge - Round 3

Posted by Jewels at 21.4.08 0 comments