Food is around us all the time, right? Driving around you can pass loads of fast food joints that smell delicious and beckon you to partake of their salty, deep fried goodness. Since I have decided to take on 'the zone', I'm actually excited about filling my house with more fruit and vegetables and cooking healthier meals. Are you aware of the Schwann's Man? The ginormous truck that comes by twice a month and sells frozen foods? Anyway, our Schwann's Man came by last night with a new catalog of meals. Normally Cody and I just purchase their ice cream because it's Heaven, but I flipped through the pages last night and noticed they have this low-calorie line of foods for those who are wanting to be healthier. To my surprise, some of the things looked pretty good! Vegetable blends, green beans, fruit, chicken, etc. I was reading the nutritional info and then it hit me - oh my, am I going to be that person who is obsessed with reading the nutrition facts of everything I eat? Will I be adding up calories in my head all day long? I think in a way I have to be, but I also think there are two kinds of calorie counters. There is the overly obsessed person who checks every. single. label and forbids an extra calorie to be put in their mouth. Then there is the other person who simply keeps track of what they have been eating during the day, being smart about what they eat. I have met the crazy calorie counter and it's not a pretty site - I watched and she meticulously went through labels of cottage cheese, ketchup, wheat crackers and everything else that was in the fridge. Calling out every few minutes, "This is so bad for you! How can people eat this?! 250 calories for that?? This is awful for you, that's 45 minutes on the treadmill right there". No thank you, I don't want to be that crazy. But being sensible about the kind of fuel I'm putting in my body...I think I can be that person.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Calorie counter
Posted by Jewels at 10.1.08
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You can be healthy AND slim and not have to 'count' calories- so consider yourself free! Once you gain more experience and knowledge, all you have to do is be aware of how your doing each day and you'll know what to fill in with, what to avoid, etc. It won't even be bad and you'll feel and look suave.
That poor calorie-obsessed friend of yours... bondage, I tell you!
Oh, and.... you need to find the most recent food pyramid. I think now the recommended fruit/veg amount is 7-9 servings. (!) So honestly, yours is tempting because it's more realistic.
(and sorry to sound like a dorky smartypants):
"Um, yeah... well, I know Mel Gibson and Hamlet didn't say that,... that Polonius guy did."
okay, okay i totally see where you're going with the crazy calorie counters, but may i point out one thing? after you familiarize yourself with products and choose , for example, which peanut butter, which jelly, which bread you are going to buy-then you just buy the same thing every time. like andrea said it's the experience and knowledge-so you aren't always as posessed as it seems to start. and it really is a good way to think-it has stopped me from downing many a candy bar! as long as you don't go too far-all things in moderation!
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