Sunday, January 13, 2008


I believe Cody and I are on day 5 of 'The Zone' and it's going well! Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Cody brought home a bunch of info on what we can eat and some recipe ideas. I was pleasantly surprised, lots of things to choose from. I will admit, there are times that I just want salty chips, cookies or some other kind of treat. And truth be told, we really can eat anything we want, we just have to eat the right amount of carbs, fats and proteins. Basically, we have to balance. Cody has been great at keeping us on track. It's sort of strange - after we eat, I feel full but I don't feel like I just ate a gut bomb, you know what I mean? I feel...light. It's great! I just love that it's not totally limiting, since we're all aware that I have absolutey no self-control. It helps that Cody and I are doing this together, we keep each other in check. Tomorrow we're planning on going shopping and getting some more healthy stuff and we're stoked to see the results. After all, bikini season will be here before I know it!


Rhonda Can't Help You said...

Dude...I'm so proud of your dedication. Diets make me want to never get out of bed.

Andrea said...

Um. Bad news. Suits are already on the racks at Target (I even bought one). So stuff that sock in your throat- summer is comin' round!

Jewels said...

Bikini's are here, this is true. However, bikini season is not...